Pest Control is an Art and Science

Many people look down on us pest control people. Lets be honest here it is not the most proud profession. Not that many people wake up one day and say I want to get in pest control and pest management one day. It is not the case. For me it was different because my father ran a pest control company for years and that is why I decided to get into the business. Anyway, pest control is a difficult profession because there way too many things to keep in mind when doing pest control. There are so many pests and there are so many ways to exterminate them as well. Rats, mice, raccoons, cockroaches, other bugs, bedbugs…the list can go on on. Down the line I would like to write about these ways to eliminate and exterminate these pests but now I got to run and go to work. One of the nastiest things i have removed so far is a skunk. Dont get me wrong i like them i just dont like the smell. Sometimes when i get a call for a skunk removal job i rather outsource it to an other toronto animal control just to avoid the smell.